
Save 73.352 EUR per month with DUO


We installed DUO at a customer who previously only used valve filters.

DUO is equipped with an innovative continuous self-cleaning system that allows greater efficiency, less waste, and quick filter replacement, without having to dismantle machine parts.

As a result, compared to the valve system, DUO was able to provide:

  • 400 kg (+22%) greater production per hour,
  • 40 kg (-45%) less waste,
  • 107 min (-90%) less downtime.
Valve DUO Difference
Hourly production 1,800 kg 2,200 kg + 22%
Waste 90 kg 50 kg – 45%
Downtime 120 min 13 min – 90%

In total, by using DUO instead of the valve system, our client was able to save 73.352 EUR per month. In fact, the savings were such that in 3 months’ time, DUO managed to pay for itself.

Given the result, the customer ordered 4 more DUO recycling machines that were delivered in March 2023.


For more email Alessandro Sartori at