
Our Break Machinery 2024 vision

Break Machinery was born only a few years ago, in 2019. In that time, our ONE and DUO have shown tremendous success, conquering the market with their breakthrough design, productiveness, and easy maintenance.
In the period ahead, we will continue our successful journey by staying on course and updating our vision with several new key points:
1 Become a partner for the entire regeneration process

Become a partner for the entire regeneration process

Until now, we focused primarily on the filtering part of the plastic recycling process. In 2024, our research, design, and production efforts will be expanded towards establishing Break Machinery as a partner for the entire plastic regeneration process, from plastic waste separation to polymer production.
2 Launch new products

Launch new products

In the period ahead, we are continuing to innovate by improving existing products and adding new ones. DUO 1750 will be updated to DUO 3500, which will have an even greater filtering area. We are also preparing DUO Twin, a new configuration composed of 2 DUO’s. Both products are going to allow greater output with the same amounts of material, contamination, and energy consumption, offering economic and sustainability advantages to our customers.
3 Increase partner and client network

Increase our partner and client network

Our network has been steadily growing. The bigger it gets, the more we learn and adapt to the client needs. We expect significant growth in 2024 – our turnover is estimated to increase by 30 % compared to 2023. This will also accelerate our innovation rate, thanks to our constant cooperation with our partners and clients.
4 Grow our talent by 40 %

Grow our talent by 40%

Our innovation, product design, and client services depend on our talent. We are constantly recruiting, educating, and building our team. We aim to increase our team by 40 % in 2024, which will ensure even better and faster communication and services with our partners and clients.

Our vision is also open to cooperation. If you have any ideas email me at or connect on LinkedIn.